The thermodynamic libraries are available in different ways, depending on your specific needs.ThermoCalculator
This is a desktop calculator, allowing you to quickly calculate thermodynamic properties or other calculations included in the package. It comes with a context sensitive help. It provides also a nice opportunity to get acquainted with the package, since it is free and requires no license. It comes with a context sensitive help.
Thermocalculator download – Free – no license required
For both 32-bit and 64-bit Excel on Windows platforms the libraries are accessible via ThermoExcel.xll. This is an add-in that ensures a seamless integration in Excel, including direct access to the help file and clear error messages when functions are called in the wrong way. A license is required.
32-bit download – License required
64-bit download – License required
This is a Windows COM object, making all functions available via the Windows Common Object Model. This allows integration of the libraries in a wide variety of software tools and programming environments. The help file is also be delivered as reference.
ThermoCOM download – License required
This package includes all libraries as compiled DLLs, but also the header (C++) and import files (Delphi) to call library functions from the DLLs in your code directly and hence build your own software. The helpfile is also delivered as reference.
ThermoLib download – License required